Monday, July 22, 2013


The television schedule is referred to as, "programming" with good reason.  It is proper labeling.  I am constantly amazed at the number of people who watch "reality television shows."  If it's really reality, shouldn't they be living it?  I've been rather taken aback by all the religious plays and reenactments, as well.  There are basically only two major events that were not to be repeated, and the rest was to be lived, or avoided by the examples included.  The world wide flood, and the crucifixion were unique events, and yet the crucifixion is probably the most re-enacted event in Scripture.

There's no reason for reenactments, we needn't crucify Messiah a new!  The good news doesn't require re-enactments, it requires the power of our Creator in our life.  We need the truth, not more words, not more debate, and certainly not more differences amongst the people claiming to believe the Bible.

Our society has settled for reenactment religion and reality TV.  It's time to give up our religion and reenactment for a real relationship with our Creator, then live in that reality!  We wouldn't need reality TV if we were living the reality of book of Acts!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

It Ain't Mayberry

When I saw this DUI checkpoint video that went viral, I was shocked to discover it occurred in Tennessee.  I guess considering my age, I just want to maintain a friendlier image of law enforcement, although I know that is not reality.  Reality is, Andy Taylor of Mayberry wasn't reality, either!  This article is not to say, all law enforcement is frightening, but the reality is, just like with any human beings, you simply don't know who to trust.  The difference is; not so terribly long ago, a badge indicated we could trust them for safety.

I've included two links regarding the next situation.  I guess, considering her age and a Sunday School teacher in a church or school parking lot, it really affected me, personally.  The fact that there was a witness, truly made me glad, that although it didn't bring her back, the cop's story didn't stand.  There was truly no reason for what transpired.  Shooting someone in the back is questionable enough, but more than once when there is no threat of bodily harm, I would call murder.

Woman arrested for drunk driving, ended up hand cuffed, then with serious injuries, and although the officer was fired, he wasn't criminally charged because the recording was turned off through the incident, in his words, according to his attorney, the officer turned off the tape according to normal practice and the woman fell and injured herself . . .

The there's the truck driver who was clearly had difficulty with the language, was injured so badly for not signing the ticket he was trying to read at the time, he's now unable to work.

This poor guy was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Perhaps this next link addressing the reason one man wasn't hired, and the hiring practice explains some of the problem.

  In only two cases of internal investigation, it was determined that officers had acted inappropriately for the circumstances.  The one who killed the woman got three years, and the one that turned off the camera was fired, but he's appealing.  No criminal charges were filed him against him, however.

Let me be clear.  I am not saying all officers behave this way, but all citizens are not dangerous criminals, either, and therefore should not be treated as such.  If based upon isolated incidents, an officer feels he must presume everyone could be a threat to him, then perhaps law enforcement shouldn't be a career choice.  Many citizens are becoming increasingly alarmed about the perception of law enforcement that is gaining momentum.

I think the most disturbing fact about so many of these internal affairs investigations, have found the officer was not acting inappropriately or using excessive force.  The fact that policy is in place that people can be treated with such violence by "peace officers" tells me, in our society, peace has been redefined.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back Alley Barbarism on Main Street

I saw this coming with the Gosnell trial.  This will not be a time of clamping down on abortion practices at all, but rather the gateway into more availability.  We are quickly bringing the back alley into mainstream, or mainstream is openly displaying what used to be hidden in shame in the back alleys.

I just got on my soap box about taking child birth out of the hands of doctors and back into the hands of midwives and now I read that midwives who are also nurses can perform abortions.  What's with that?  The simple statement of fact is, the sanctity of life is not upheld in our society.

I was not of voting age when abortion became legal in this country.  I avoid this subject, usually for two reasons.  I don't believe in doctors, and since they are abortion providers, I haven't really seen it as the "religious" issue so many do.  The second reason I haven't weighed in on the subject very much, is I absolutely do not have something better to offer.  I don't believe in arguing against something without offering a positive alternative.

YHWH never separated life and choice, politics did.  I don't know what to suggest for all the unwanted children that would have come into this world.  I've even heard the argument, the aborted population would have saved social security.  Well, what a selfish world they were not brought into . . . Adoption became so difficult, for who knows what reason, other than to actually encourage abortion, and I've heard and read of several cases in which adopted children grew up in horrible situations.  Granted there are happy stories too, but who can make that call, at the time?

All I know for sure is, I believe when life ends, the spirit goes back to our Creator, so although I have no idea if their life would be valued on earth, I do know, these pre-born children are loved by our Maker. 

The situation, I see unfolding is the real disregard of life in this country while the citizens continue to shout divisively about the issue.  Politicians are not going to do anything about abortion, except use it for campaign purposes.  Meanwhile, legislation is pending to make many, many more abortion providers and I simply do not understand how people who claim to be of faith, continue to support the medical industry.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:  Torah of Holy Scripture