The fear is a noun, and when it describes me, it becomes an adjective. This is more than a grammar thought. We're going some place with this so bear with me please. When phobic became a suffix and part of the in the word homophobic, the social definition of phobic becomes prejudice against a homosexual. Which leads me to what I really want to address here. To be claustrophobic means I am literally irrationally afraid of being locked in a small confined space, not a latent desire to be confined. To be homophobic should mean an irrational fear of becoming a homosexual or a fear of homosexuals; but it is not used that way in our society. But since it is defined by usage, let's talk about what who is truly afraid of the LGBT community . . .
When I speak something, if I'm aiming at someone specifically, I say it to them, personally, and they certainly are entitled to respond, walk away, or aim something specifically at me. It's called the human experience. If I make a general statement about something I believe, I am entitled to do that, here in this country, and let the chips fall where they may. For example, just because I think Fred Phelps is a hateful horse's rear-end, doesn't mean I defend Biblical disobedience. Why does our nation think everything has to be politically polarized? To put everyone who disagrees with the latest political correctness in the same category is the very definition of prejudice. I believe in Biblical obedience, that doesn't make me in agreement with Fred Phelps.
The fact that Phil Robertson's comments got the "homophobic" adjective attached, I find, actually humorous. I haven't seen his show, but from the interviews and comments, the man doesn't seem to have a fear of what anyone thinks of him, and he doesn't strike me as the fearful type. A&E, on the other hand, seems to be very fearful of any political incorrectness and what really gets me, is A&E seems concerned about the opinions of those who are not viewers.
If A&E is fearful of the opinion of GLAAD, then by definition, it is A&E that is homophobic. It is A&E that has prejudicially stereotyped. Phil Robertson simply stated what he believed for his own life. By the way, Mr. Robertson also mentioned heterosexual promiscuity. Where's the outrage? I'm guessing there are several co-habitating couples who have had multiple partners, who will still tune in for Duck Dynasty. Any sort of prejudice based upon stereotype is an irrational fear, thus "phobic." A network that gives up millions of dollars and the highest ratings to appease non-viewers does not sound like a rational decision. A&E has lumped the entire gay community together as one stereotyped group, that is crying, yet again.
The reality is, there is an entire group of people in this country who do not believe what Fred Phelps does, but do believe the Bible. If A&E is hoping to cash in on that group with a manufactured controversy, that's between the executives and their Maker. As for the Robertsons, I'm guessing they spent this time of controversy still filling orders, duck hunting and enjoying the lifestyle Mr. Robertson established long before A&E knew there was money to be made and ratings to be enjoyed in the reality of a Louisiana entrepreneur.
Perhaps people could render "society's" opinion irrelevant, if we were living the life we knew met our Creator's approval. And as for me, I need be more trusting of my Creator in regard to small closed in spaces . . .
What shall we then say to these things? If G-d be for us, who can be against us? Romans