For all those religious types who like to condescend to us "conspiracy theorists," might I remind you that a world government in which nobody buys or sells without a specific mark, will control everything and has been prophesied in the Book you claim to believe. Those of us who are connecting the dots or raising questions are not theorists, we believe the Bible! As for the conspiracy portion of the accusation, maybe a few folks in high places have delusions of grandeur that they are "in on it," but I don't believe that to be the case either.
I do believe some of the people in position of power are in same spot Pharaoh was in ancient Egypt. YHWH is hardening their hearts that His might and power will be seen! There is going to be a rude awakening when Messiah returns, but it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. As to the conspiracy accusations, this agenda is going into place incrementally . . . I'm truly sorry for those who cannot see it going into place.
Now, back to the closing of Plum Island. That was the laboratory where livestock disease was analyzed and ultimately identified for cures or eradication. Plum Island was a mile off New York harbor and away from the agricultural part of our country. At one time the precautions taken were so stringent, if an employee wanted to take his kids to the zoo, he was required to take vacation days as to not chance contamination. The city that will now host the Animal Disease Center is none other than Manhattan, Kansas.
The fact that I see three major issues in this move has rendered me the dubious honor of "Conspiracy Theorist." The first issue is, Kansas is the virtual agri-center of the nation, with plenty of ranches, and Nebraska, also a big ag state, is not that far from Manhattan. The second issue is Kansas is also in the center of tornado ally. I've read about this great building that can withstand tornado winds. The Titanic was unsinkable, too! The third issue I see is probably the most disconcerting. I'm just average citizen Jane Q. Public, no big fancy degrees, and I've been seeking resolution to these issues for five years now, and the only answer to these addressing these issues is to call me a Conspiracy Theorist. Name calling doesn't address the issues that have been raised.