Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Gov Giveth and . . .

The gov. taketh away . . .

Through the recent shutdown, some people experienced a glitch in the EBT cards, then the usual "threats" that if it continued, citizens dependent upon a check or provision from the government may not receive their check or provision the next month.  Now, of course that never applies to the politician's checks . . .

So the fear of losing food stamps became a concern.  It was reported that the amount would be cut in November, then it was reported that that report was false information.  As it turns out, both reports contain some truth, but it doesn't have anything to do with the recent shutdown.

Families will be receiving fewer benefits next month, not a significant drop, but for those who are completely dependent upon SNAP for their groceries, it will make a difference.  The reason for the reduction is based upon the end of the increase that was established through the recession.  Through the same time unemployment benefits were extended, SNAP benefits were increased.

Both have now expired.  Basing the "recovery" on the stock market rather than the job market has no logical link for the average citizen, but this is what has occurred.  We, here at the Goshen Gazette will do everything we can to offer suggestions for stretching the food budget.  We'd also encourage and invite our readers to share their tips and ideas, as well.

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