Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Realization at the Auction

 The other night as I awaited my turn to load my new herd members, I realized how openly responsive and demonstrative animals are in their baser instincts.  Some goats are cyclic in their breeding, every 23 days; while others are seasonal like deer.  An evening at a September and October auction reveals the total inhibition of animal behavior.   It's a shame our society doesn't realize how similar casual sex is to animal behavior.

If we'd have remained closer to our agricultural purpose, I think much of our societal sexual problems would not exist, or at least so openly.  As I watched these animals practically injure themselves trying to get from one pen to another, I thought of how similar the open sexuality is in our society.  The stench of breeding season literally hangs over the entire place, and it's easy to tell by the smell and raucous when a big buck will be the next one through the ring.

I'm not saying reproduction is dirty, and I'm certainly not saying intimacy is an animal act.  What I am saying is open sexuality; without intimacy is precisely an animal act!  We have the societal breakdown to prove it.  For those who have ever visited the worldly singles scene, I can assure you there are similarities to a singles bar and a livestock auction, and that ought not to be so!  Sadly, it's not even confined to singles bars anymore.

First and foremost, in an auction, the interest in bidding is based solely on physical appearance, which definitely includes anatomical features.  Remember, these are animals and breeding is instinctual.  As a herd keeper, I don't consider anything except a buck's size, breed, and features.  When purchasing a doe, I consider her build for kidding, her breed, and her udder.  Knowing how driven these animals are by their baser instinct, I make a point of buying only does or a single buck at any given auction, unless I've got a big stock trailer.  Each animal is probably in the ring about a minute.  All buyers make a very superficial judgment when determining to bid and when determining to stop bidding.

There's not a thing wrong with purchasing animals based upon their physical traits and appearance, especially for a working farm.  Very few milk goats are advertised showing their face as the selling point and I absolutely base my decision regarding a buck on his horns and aggressive breeding attributes.  Stella was a wonderful asset to the herd for all her years.  This Buck below, look at those horns, and he's not even a two year old!

Let this sink in for a moment.  How long has our society considered superficial attraction a foundation for a relationship or worse, simply casual sex?  We are not animals and the open display of non-intimacy is causing serious societal breakdown, and also apparently the need for more "pens."

 When I smell too much cologne on a man, hear his ridiculous lines, or suffocate in the aroma of some woman's perfume while she displays ample cleavage in social settings, I think of the livestock auction through breeding season.


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Change Has Come

Israel, of course, is in the news daily and under attack regularly.  

Life is never going to be the same for any of us.  I'm truly shocked at the anti-Semitism that is voiced.  I stand with Israel.  I do not agree with a democratic Israel, and I pray for the day Israel is a Torah Theocracy.  I stand in agreement with the democratic state of Israel's right to exist and protect themselves.  They are protecting Jerusalem!  I am Israel, I stand in protection of Jerusalem.

Meanwhile in Laodicea . . .

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Born That Way?

Scripture does tell us we are all born into sin . . . and there are a number of laws/instruction regarding sexual behavior, so logically speaking, most of us are probably "predisposed" to some sort of sinful sexual interest.  Basically the two hot button political topics, same sex marriage and abortion; stem from Biblically forbidden sexual activity.  That seems to be why so much of our society defends these two issues, now . . . the Bible is open to interpretation . . . or disrespectful disregard.  This has really been happening since the Nicene Council offered Constantine's version of Christianity to the general population.  Interpreting Paul's writings to override Torah was the foundation of what we now see.

The big argument for a time was that folks were born gay, and now that's been legalized and accepted, many of the proponents now claim that anyone can choose to be gay . . . To be honest, my mind doesn't wrap around that particular train of thought.  Since I was born with a sinful nature, I had my own sexual sins, that "born that way" simply didn't excuse.  My sexual sin was not same-sex desire, so I had no excuse or agenda, much less a parade.  It's truly time for some straight talk on the matter, pardon the pun.  Except in the case of a victim of rape or incest, sexual behavior is a choice.  Rape and incest are acts of violence and abuse.  Consensual sex, of any kind, is a choice.

Let's address this "born gay" from a different perspective.  What if the circumstances of the birth caused a problem that led to a feeling of abnormality?  What if the soy formula that was so readily used, did affect the hormonal development of infants?  Research shows, soy does have an effect on hormone levels.  Several situations come to mind, of little boys that ended up being rather effeminate or even stating they are gay, in which there were complications in their birth or allergies to everything but soy.  We know some males are naturally less masculine than others, and some females are naturally less feminine than others.  The theory that a physiological issue or spiritual issue could have been caused by a delivery complication or fed by a bad formula would give that child, as they grew, the notion that they had indeed been born that way.  I knew a nurse who worked in labor and delivery with serious sexual issues and absolutely reeked of a spirit of witchcraft.  How many children were placed in her arms before their mother's?  I wouldn't want my helpless innocent child in her arms.

Based on the idea that it was actually in their chemical make-up, there is the added emotional factor of feeling different.  Truth be told, I think a great many of us realize we're not "normal" pretty early on, and many of us do "use" sex as a means of acceptance or attention, later.  The fact is, the gay agenda is now being promoted and taught in school, while the Bible is banned.  This will only serve to further confuse many young people who may, indeed, have been born a little masculine or feminine, subjected to complications in newborn care, or unnatural hormone issues due to soy formula.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

An Arkansas Adventure

Probably no place in the country compares to rush hour in Los Angeles or New York City, but I did experience a shock the other day in my mission to buy goats.  I live about 20 miles from the Arkansas state line, so it's not like going to Arkansas is a day's journey.   Unlike the miles of nothingness the new overpasses have created in Missouri, the progress in Arkansas is in vast contrast.  I'll take this moment to point out the fundamental difference.

The change in Arkansas revolves around a single corporation that was started by a businessman over half a century ago.  The change in Missouri was brought about by government job creation.  I now have a fuller understanding of the true difference between "pro" and "con."  I'm not even going to address what any third generation does to a company they merely inherit, but Arkansas had a visionary that invested his own blood, sweat and tears, resulting in "progress."  Missouri had job creation, by Congress.

BellaVista is just across the Arkansas state line.  It used to be a retirement village, and I guess it still is, but in reality it's now a suburb of Bentonville, Arkansas.  Literally, as I travelled south on 71/49, the BellaVista signs were interspersed with Bentonville signs, then came Rogers, with not so much as a lull in the traffic.  As I continued, I rolled in to Springdale, still no lull in the traffic and no change of scenery to speak of.  Businesses, churches, hospitals, and billboards just lined both sides of the interstate.  There were the exits for the smaller towns, but nothing like the stark highway of Missouri.

The traffic was still bumper to bumper between Springdale and Fayetteville.  The only noticeable difference in 40 miles was the signs along the side of the road that indicated the flow of traffic had now reached a new city limits.  I haven't darkened the door of a Wal*Mart in over a decade, so when I started this article, I had no idea this would actually be a plug for entrepreneurialism vs. government job creation.  Now in retrospect, those businesses in Arkansas appeared to be thriving and the cities have expanded into each other, whereas; the new signs, concrete blockades, and shuttered businesses now stand in Missouri as a haunting tribute to government job creation.

I'm not crazy about what Sam's grandkids are doing with his business, and I don't think their big corporation is deserving of tax breaks, but when I see what my tax dollars went for in Missouri, it's plain to see the difference between Progress and Congress.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A New Low

Our President has never overly impressed me.  I've not been overly impressed with several of our recent leaders, but his treatment of Benjamin Netanyahu is outrageously rude and very disrespectful.
When I read that he is now claiming Netanyahu needs to be weakened to level the negotiation field with the Hamas leader, I find our President to be completely outrageous.

His basic premise is Netanyahu has so much more support of the Israeli people than Hamas has of the Palestinians.  He even said he was sure Mr. Netanyahu's stats with his people were higher than his own here in America.  I can explain that very easily.

When the people of a nation believe their leader has their best interest at heart, they support their leader.  Palestinians should not be supportive of a leadership that uses them as human shields.  President Obama's stats with the American people can be explained easily, also.  The number of Americans who are continuing to have to further tighten their belts while his family enjoys all the grandeur American debt has to offer, is now greater than the people who still believe in his hope and change.

Benjamin Netanyahu has been a warrior and is a dignified statesman, with character far exceeding anyone he's dealing with.  He sends warnings before returning fire.  To say Palestinians are the victims is deception.  To say Israel is to blame is an outright lie.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Church Has Followed Our Society Model

In most conversations amongst believers, the discussion of the world's influence in the church is a foregone conclusion.  What I hadn't really considered before, is that the interactive workings of "the recognized body" exactly replicates the culture of the nation, specifically the economy.  We of course, have the big names with big bucks, but there is also a large crowd of folk who choose their rather "meager lifestyle" while saying G-d provides, but interestingly manage to position themselves in a rather giving group of folk, and have no qualms about making their "needs" and challenges known.

So we've got the top tier telling us to send money for the cause, very much like taxation.  Even in the churches that preach "the law was nailed to the cross," well, all but tithing!  I'm not against a preacher living a comfortable lifestyle if YHWH blesses him with earthly wealth, but if he's a shepherd and his sheep aren't living in the same lifestyle, then either he's a fat shepherd referenced in Ezekiel 34, or his congregation is living in disobedience which should be addressed, or he's fleecing the flock.  The big name preachers really do seem very similar to politicians or celebrities, with their appearance of keeping the right people happy, their distant in-approachability . . . and their bodyguards.

And we've got  a complete tier of folk who have their good intentioned "needs" to contribute.  They speak of the provision of YHWH, but many live an impoverished lifestyle by the choices they make, while receiving the generosity of others.  I knew a woman who was always seeking assistance, usually financial for herself or one of her grown kids.  She always had advice or judgment for others, but she and her family remained in constant need . . .  She literally would have to make the "rounds" as her needs were many and apparently perpetual.  Unlike the government, that records all the handouts, those in religious circles tend to not share their personal contributions to these needs, as that would be boasting or gossip, and so it continues.  I've seen people who fall on hard times and appreciate every bit of assistance in holy stewardship, and I've seen people who receive without Biblical stewardship and need all over again.  There really is a generational welfare system in the body, as well as the government.  The privacy is more protected, but exists, none the less.

 Sadly, there is one more statistical similarity between the body and society.  Just like the present society, the middle tier with real jobs is dwindling and their own living expenses are increasing, while still supporting the upper tier and supplying the ever expanding lower income tier.  Keep in mind, what's collected in the offering plate is also earmarked to keep the lights on and the roof overhead.   I've met some of the big names and read a few of their books, but that was many years ago.  The new pop culture of positive spirituality is a frightening mix of holy with profane, and as for helping those in need . . . I give as Abba lays situations on my heart, then if the same needs continue to arise, I stop at the second mile.  I also consider lifestyle choices when praying about needs.  Falling on hard times is a much different situation than perpetual mismanagement.  Sometimes money management tips and work ethic assistance are a better offering than money.

It's not a sin to be rich, and the poor will always be with us . . . but many are poor by choice and a number of the religious rich are not exactly spending the money on furthering the gospel . . . 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A "Martyr" Moment

As I see things changing all around us, I have a twinge of the flesh, every now and again.  The other day as I was standing at the stove canning the umpteenth jar of "something," the thought crept in that there are so many who are talking about the devastation to come, but going on business as usual.  Noah wasn't preparing an ark for everyone who would be knocking on the door when the rain began to fall . . . Since I've been praying that I would take every thought captive, these verses came into my awareness, simultaneously.  I was going to use the verb "slamming" into my awareness, but I'll qualify it here, in that these Scriptures were just something I didn't want to "see" all together.  They did not fit comfortably in my thoughts.

Proverbs 25:21  If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:

Matthew 5:44, 45  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;  That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Matthew 10:36  And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

Romans 2:4  Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of G-d leadeth thee to repentance?

The only response I had at that point was to realize, it's truly not in my hands, and my life is not my own.  If part of my ministry is going to be sharing what I've prepared to show the goodness of YHWH that may lead someone to repentance, so be it.  YHWH is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  II Peter 3:9

It was quite a sermon I received from Ruach HaKodesh this week in the kitchen.  In that personal sermon, I was so overtaken with the goodness of Elohim, and the price that has been paid; And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.  Mark 14:36;  it brought me to the place I could simply repeat that one line from the Lord's prayer:  "Thy will be done . . ."

Sunday, July 20, 2014


It seems every time I see something cross my news feed and I check the validity of the information, I discover even more troubling information in the research.  I'm going to offer the direct link to a site I find to have a great deal of very disturbing information.  The sheer numbers of manpower, facilities and years of operation is mindboggling.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Day is Coming

This week, I spent hours on the phone trying to get something straightened out with my online store.  I don't know about most folks, but it seems in dealing with technology glitches, if it goes on too long, I have an almost visceral reaction and simply have to walk away.  I'm not talking about figuring out a new blog post or adding photos, even web designing doesn't cause this internal melt-down.  It was a situation in which the web host could not resolve the issue because everything was fine on their end.  It wasn't something I had entered wrong, and the gateway system was all fine on their end . . . So after a bazillion prompts and eleventy-seven special one time access codes, the problem was determined to be "cookies" and remained insolvable.  That's when I could feel my adrenaline glands squeezing into a state of collapse.

As I pondered my next move, which amounts to completely moving my online store, another thought came to mind.

There is a day coming in which there will be no choices, no buying or selling, and no human on the other end of the phone even acting like they are giving me the time of day.  I've already noticed, some web hosting sites do not provide phone service unless one has purchased a premium plan, and by premium plan, I mean the top dollar plan they offer.  One plan I checked into particularly frustrated me, in that I have to purchase the plan before I can even get any answers to my questions.  That reminded me of Nancy Pelosi's statement regarding passing the Health Care Bill so they could read it, and that's just been a great thing!

I don't want to buy something to find out what's in it.  I want to be able to ask questions and make a knowledgeable decision.  I guess the one consolation is the feeling that probably before it comes down to no choice in purchasing plans, the inability to buy and sell without a mark will have already excluded me from web business.  The realization hit me . . . We talk about the tribulation and we acknowledge it will occur, and many of us have already abandoned the notion that a sudden escape of a "rapture" will take place before the tribulation, but the reality is, our freedoms have been greatly reduced and our choices are already disappearing.

We act like the alarm is going to come on one morning announcing the Great Tribulation begins today . . . but that isn't the case.  Creation happens in an instant, chaos and anarchy are the result of disorder.  The great tribulation is falling into place by the erosion of society.  As we talk about the end of days, we are told the tribulation precedes the Second Coming.  It's time to realize, the day is coming.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sheep Bites?

As a rule sheep do not bite, except when it comes to the two legged variety that claim "the LORD is my shepherd."  A man in my home state has had some serious legal accusations thrown at him.  This is America, so regardless of how the situation is resolved, he is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.  I read over the accusation and I listened to his explanation, and I contacted him privately.  To be honest, I now feel I have more questions than answers.

I have a daughter in insurance, one was formerly in banking and a niece in securities.  Several years ago, when I was in the funeral industry, I had to be licensed in life insurance to be able to offer pre-need funeral arrangements.  In obtaining that, I realized twenty-five years ago, the insurance business is highly questionable and highly regulated, and much continuing knowledge is required.  There is absolutely no room for naivete.  When I left the funeral industry for ministry, I did not keep my license active, so it's been twenty years.  Undoubtedly much has changed regarding the regulation of insurance.  I have no formal training in banking or securities, so there is no way, I could offer an opinion, much less render a judgment.

There are a few things of which I'm aware and those I will share.  When the story broke, the man said he'd be sharing this information the following Shabbat at the regular gathering.  In prayer, I was led to contact him regarding the discussion of business on Shabbat.  It was very simple and to the point.  Shabbat is not the day to focus on business.  It seemed to me, those who were supportive, would wait until after Shabbat for an explanation.  He got back to me, thanking me for prayer and he let me know that his prayer team had taken the matter under advisement.  When I received a link, it was indeed; the Shabbat topic.  Since I don't know a lot about his business dealings, it is safe to say; we clearly differ on Shabbat priorities.  I know what I heard, and I obeyed in relaying the message about Shabbat.

Although I'm not directly involved . . .What began as a story of possible persecution, has become a warning on a bigger scale.  If this man has been falsely accused, we must face the reality that persecution has been turned up a notch.  On the other hand, if laws were broken, then that will be made known.  If, in his words, he simply didn't know there was a problem with what he did, then; that may be a big signal that time is truly of the essence for believers to be getting out of the system.

King Solomon, in his wisdom, heard both sides of the story, before rendering his judgement.  After reading and hearing both sides of this, I'm very thankful, I'm not the judge.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Citizens Who Have Lost in the War On Drugs

                                Bounkham "BouBou" Phonesavanh (Credit: The Phonesavanh Family)

As I read of little BouBou's situation, I was sickened, and that's not a strong enough word.  I'm disgusted by what we've allowed in this country.  This little boy is fighting for his life because a SWAT team landed a grenade in his crib in the middle of the night.  His sisters awaken screaming in the night after the home in which they were staying was violently invaded by law enforcement looking for drugs.  This is not the first time a no-knock warrant in Atlanta has caused life and death damage at the wrong address.  The guy they were looking for didn't live there.

The Local report indicates this little boy is making an amazing recovery, but this reporter says, that child should not have to be recovering!  Hopefully this little guy will recover, but he'll never be the same.  This trauma will affect him throughout his life.  Not only was he injured needlessly, his mother was allegedly prevented from comforting him.  I honestly do not know how those who can commit such atrocities can sleep at night or look at themselves in the mirror.

When Atlanta was mentioned in the article, I remembered another case of a no-knock warrant in which a 92 year old woman was killed and three cops busted for falsifying information and planting drugs in an attempt to cover their mistake.  Again, the wrong address.  Police officers were injured in that raid, but it was not from Mrs. Johnston's attempt to defend herself.  There was so much gunfire, the cops actually shot each other.  Mrs. Johnston got one round off from a rusty old revolver as her door was being broken down, hitting no one.

We need to stop and think.  Most people, will do everything to protect themselves and their homes.  In the case of no-knock warrants, often the home is in a less than upscale part of town, which often means higher crime rates.  The theory that a no-knock warrant prevents the disposal of evidence doesn't really carry enough weight to warrant the loss of life.  If I lived in a high crime area, and someone was breaking my door in, I'd be aiming to shoot if I was armed.  Most people would.  That's why some states have the castle law.

As I read these articles, I guess the only way to tell the "good guys" with a no-knock warrant from the burglars and vandals would be the fact burglars and vandals are likely to be quieter while breaking and entering . . .

When a 92 year old woman and a 2 year old baby boy are not safe in their own home from police, we really need to evaluate our definition of democracy, republic, freedom, serve and protect.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Our Children

I couldn't help but draw parallels between these two horrendous stories linked below.  I think of the mantra, "it takes a village to raise a child."  Perhaps we should not have the village idiots watching the children.  Maybe it's time to assess just how many idiots this village has.

I followed the Pelletier case through the courts and appeals, praying for this family.  As I watched the teen continue to deteriorate I could not understand how the judges could be so blind.  I understand doctors have their god complex and cover each other well, but the judges had nothing to gain by keeping that girl under poor medical care.  The young lady had done very well for years being treated for a diagnosis, that as we can now see, can be devastating without proper care.

When she went into the hospital for whatever the issue was because her doctor was out of town, the original issue was lost in the power grab.  When the parents questioned the misdiagnosis, the hospital immediately summoned children's services.  That phone call ultimately turned into 16 months of mishandling a human being, mistreatment of a medical condition, disregard of parental and patient rights, and an outrageous miscarriage of justice in the legal system.

Meanwhile, in a hospital a little five year old boy died, allegedly at the hands of his mother.  The term   "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" has been mentioned in reports, but what caught my attention, was the medical history of this child.  The child was five days old when he was first taken to the hospital for ear infection and high fever.  At ten weeks, it was something else.  Medical records indicate the child had been hospitalized 23 times in his short life, yet that raised no flags for intervention?  The following paragraph was taken from an article linked below.

>>>The Florida Department of Children and Families revealed in April that they've had a file on Spears since 2011, when an anonymous call voicing concerns about her parenting was made to their abuse hotline.
And prior to that, in 2009 while the family lived in Alabama, Garnett suffered severe seizures and had to be flown by helicopter to a Decatur hospital and resuscitated.<<<

How does the same "system" knowingly allow one child to be returned to a potentially dangerous situation and just "keep a file," while another child is held to deteriorate in that same "system?"

Rather than just come out and say never before were the medicine men and elders of any culture the village idiots, I'll be more tactful.

Never in the history of civilization has an society sanctioned the authority of health care to poor judgment.

The Apostle Paul did sound fair warning:  For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with G-d. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.  I Corinthians 3:19

Sunday, June 15, 2014

One World Religion

I'll be honest here, I'm not a fan of Joel Osteen.  My issue isn't really with his prosperity teaching, as that's been around long before anyone had seen his smiling face.  I don't care how much money he has or how big his house is.  What truly concerns me is the number of people who trust him.  There are thousands, tens of thousands who truly believe he is sharing the truth of the G-d.  He is very influential.

I did truly feel sorry for him in the interview where it was obvious Piers Morgan was trying to put him on the spot. The discomfort in searching for just the right way to state a Biblical view, was obvious; but it was the interview after visiting Rome deeply troubled me.

As the Pope claims power in his "man-made authority" to redefine good and evil, any person with religious clout who promotes him, is misleading people.  There are about 1.2 billion Catholics in the world.  If Israel continues to entertain the Vatican and the mega-church celebrities promote unity with the Pope, we could be witnessing the New World Order religion coming together.

Houston 2 Interview

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Agenda

As I consider the last year, in which we were told the "gay rights" would not affect anyone else, I'm taken aback.  There is a Colorado businessman who has been "legally assaulted" and the Boy Scouts of America have been invaded, and yet . . . there is a place in which it is completely acceptable to exclude Boy Scouts . . . and a place where heterosexuality is not at all welcomed.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Conspiracy Theorist?

In following the Plum Island laboratory closure and relocation, the coverage is actually scant, but I've come across a couple of articles that just flat out accuse those of us who smell a rat as being "Conspiracy Theorists."  I'm about to wear that label proudly! . . . but, I don't really think it's a conspiracy and the evidence is clear it is NOT a theory.  There is an agenda to control the food and the people.  I think the major players we see are just cogs in the wheel.

For all those religious types who like to condescend to us "conspiracy theorists," might I remind you that a world government in which nobody buys or sells without a specific mark, will control everything and has been prophesied in the Book you claim to believe.  Those of us who are connecting the dots or raising questions are not theorists, we believe the Bible!  As for the conspiracy portion of the accusation, maybe a few folks in high places have delusions of grandeur that they are "in on it," but I don't believe that to be the case either.

I do believe some of the people in position of power are in same spot Pharaoh was in ancient Egypt.  YHWH is hardening their hearts that His might and power will be seen!  There is going to be a rude awakening when Messiah returns, but it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.  As to the conspiracy accusations, this agenda is going into place incrementally . . . I'm truly sorry for those who cannot see it going into place.

Now, back to the closing of Plum Island.  That was the laboratory where livestock disease was analyzed and ultimately identified for cures or eradication.  Plum Island was a mile off New York harbor and away from the agricultural part of our country.  At one time the precautions taken were so stringent, if an employee wanted to take his kids to the zoo, he was required to take vacation days as to not chance contamination.  The city that will now host the Animal Disease Center is none other than Manhattan, Kansas.

The fact that I see three major issues in this move has rendered me the dubious honor of "Conspiracy Theorist."  The first issue is, Kansas is the virtual agri-center of the nation, with plenty of ranches, and Nebraska, also a big ag state, is not that far from Manhattan.  The second issue is Kansas is also in the center of tornado ally.  I've read about this great building that can withstand tornado winds.  The Titanic was unsinkable, too!  The third issue I see is probably the most disconcerting.  I'm just average citizen Jane Q. Public, no big fancy degrees, and I've been seeking resolution to these issues for five years now, and the only answer to these addressing these issues is to call me a Conspiracy Theorist.  Name calling doesn't address the issues that have been raised.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Explain this Again, Please . . .

 So they are going to kill the tortoises they claim to be protecting, and confiscate the cattle?

 "Really?"  This statement and intent makes it obvious the EPA is simply a string for the arm of power in a deteriorating puppet government.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Affordable Care

Several years ago, when I stepped out of my own personal consumerism of mainstream medicine, it was not a decision I made lightly.  I've mentioned it before that perhaps if I had a disease for which there was a cure, it may have been a more difficult decision, but I feel I stepped out in faith.  As a religious based culture, there is a myriad of perspectives as to what G-d uses, allows, ordained, and what He doesn't.  Most fundamental Bible believers do not believe G-d used evolution to create the world.  And I concur.

All three Abrahamic religions believe there was a world wide flood due to the wickedness of humanity, and the Messiah said, the end of days would be as in the days of Noah.  The world around is looking pretty tumultuous and Hollywood has even made a movie entitled "Noah."

Bible believers all have an idea of what we think is evil or wicked, but do we really understand what pleases and displeases our Heavenly Father?  On some things I'm sure we do, on others, we prefer our doctrinal interpretation.  Just when I thought I had it figured out to be pleasing before my Heavenly Father, follow Messiah, and accept the social appreciation of modern medicine, I discovered this disconcerting passage.
And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to YHWH, but to the physicians.  And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign.  II Chronicles 16:12-13

Paul didn't speak well of the wisdom of man, he called it foolishness.  The first couple of chapters of both I and II Corinthians addresses earthly wisdom and human in comparison to what G-d has to say.

 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of G-d.  
                                                                                                          I Corinthians 2:5

I realize this is a very controversial question, but so many see this present administration as pure evil, so is it Obamacare that is evil or is it time to consider what we say we actually believe?

For those who are unsure, here is a link to what is reported to be an acceptable alternative.

Is faith in our Creator in combination with the wisdom of man, mixing holy with profane?

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.  Isaiah 53:5

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Potential Terrorist?

I'm not sure I agree with everything in the article, but it does address many concerns I've had and voiced, as well as heard from others; so rather than give a point by point opinion of the article, I'm simply going to offer the link.

We're not telling you what to think or how to think,just, presenting information we think is worth thinking about!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Children and Lunch

Upon reading about the school that took lunch trays, literally out of the children's hands and thrown away, two thoughts immediately came to mind.

One prompted me to call the local school to donate lunch money.  The second thought was that of the "old days" when the school bully took a fellow student's milk or lunch money.  In all the "anti-bullying" awareness, we seem to have overlooked something very fundamental.  By old school definition, these children were bullied by the staff!  Public education is a place of learning.  What did all the children learn that day?

Retractions, mea culpas, and promises of policy change don't hold a candle to the example that was set that day and the humiliation some of those children endured.  Laws against children bullying other children, I guess are all well and good, if the parents aren't going to teach their children any better, but this report has raised a new question.  Since this is just one headline over a major issue of taking food out of the children's hands and sending them back to class hungry, how much more bullying are some children enduring at the very hands of those who are teaching?

Legislating against bullying while publicly teaching it, seems a real double message in the programming of what we call public education.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Some very strange "coincidences" have occurred in the last couple of years, that are totally unrelated, but seemingly similar.  Due to very different circumstances, there was a break down or hiatus in interactive communication for a time.  Then when the connection was somewhat reestablished, a strange realization washed over me.  I realized how much I hadn't missed the communication in the down time . . .

Now, realizing this sounds vague, please let me explain.  Often we find ourselves in situations in which we simply don't know how to stop.  Some may feel they will eventually find a way to make their point understood.  Others may simply be hoping for a positive interaction.  While still others may find themselves hoping to say or do just the right thing to be accepted, or their message accepted.  In the past several months, I've learned a new perspective.

We all drift away for various reasons at different times in our lives, from people and circumstances we thought would always be there.  People get busy, work hours change, marriages and divorces change social circles, children and their activities change social opportunities, closing some and opening others.  The reasons don't have to be a negative thing at all, but once circumstances have reallocated priorities, we gain a different and often a distant perspective.

Through circumstances beyond my control, a forums board became inaccessible for a time.  As it turns out, when it did become available again, it was so easy to see a pattern that I didn't choose to participate in again.  A breakdown or time space in family or friend communications can also result in a new awareness, when the regathering takes place.  Sometimes relationships are simply too high maintenance to maintain.  We don't have to be cruel about it, but we are not obligated to willingly enter bondage or psychological servitude.

Sometimes we simply realize, it's all been said and done, and the parties involved really don't share common interests.  It's okay to move on.  It's not hard hearted or calloused to realize how much we DID NOT miss some interactions.  Sometimes that decision will save us from words of regrets and empty expectations.