Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Observing Passover

There is much debate and division regarding when Passover is to be observed.  The author of the link below shares my view in the timing, but he references Passover as a celebration of the Jews.  Scripture calls it the Passover of YHWH, and is to be remembered for all generations by His people.  Therefore; Passover is to be observed in remembrance by all the children of YHWH.


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sky Spy . . . Back When Big Brother Was Still Little

The early beginnings of Google Earth and GPS and the reason!  Later it was sold as a traffic "report." 

Members of the Westwood Rangers, a boys club, viewed Air Force equipment and » military movie at their weekly meeting last night at the Westwood city hall. Lt. Charles R. Peters of the 326th fighter squadron at Richards-Gebaur Air Force base, presented the program. Peters is holding a pilot’s helmet and explaining an oxygen mask to the hoys. ________________ TO SPY FROM SKY ON KANSAS DRIVERS Aerial Chock of High Accident Areas Planned by State Highway Patrol.  Topeka, Aug. 25.—^The Kansas highway patrol will put up its own version of a “spy in the sky” as a permanent check on speeders. Col. Larry Hughes, superintendent, announced today. Hughes said the patrol has made arrangements to lease a Cessna 182 from the Kansas Turnpike authority for the remainder of the year for aerial spotting of speeders, particularly in the high accident rate srcâs. The plane will start its sky patrol next weekend with the heavy Labor day traffic. Highway commission crews are painting mileage markers on the principal highways so that patrol personnel in the plane can accurately time and calibrate the speed of ground vehicles from the air. The method has proved to be extremely accurate, Hughes said. A recent trial run with an airplane on 1-70 resulted in eight speeding arrests in hours, he said. The violators were traveling from 81 to 98 miles an hour in the 70-miie zone, he said. The plane is to be equipped with a 2-way radio. The aerial earn will calibrate the speed as shown from the air by timing the mileage markers and radio an arrest order to patrolmen on the ground, work ing with regular patrol ve liicles. The plane will be piloted by highway patrolmen. Several members of the force are well- qualified pilots, Hughes said. 


August 26, 1961

The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri · Page 39

Kansas City, Missouri
Issue Date:
Saturday, August 26, 1961