Sunday, December 29, 2013

Define Phobic

Has the original meaning of the noun: phobia been redefined or simply become morphed when changed to the adjective, "phobic" to become a suffix?  I'll use a personal example here.  I'm a bit claustrophobic.  Claustrophobia is the fear of being in closed in spaces.  A word of caution here, be very careful who you let know about your phobias . . . be sure you can trust them.  Now back to my fear of being in a closed in space.  That is my fear, and when I personalize it, I am acknowledging my claustrophobia by stating that I am claustrophobic.

The fear is a noun, and when it describes me, it becomes an adjective.  This is more than a grammar thought.  We're going some place with this so bear with me please.  When phobic became a suffix and part of the in the word homophobic, the social definition of phobic becomes prejudice against a homosexual.  Which leads me to what I really want to address here.  To be claustrophobic means I am literally irrationally afraid of being locked in a small confined space, not a latent desire to be confined.  To be homophobic should mean an irrational fear of becoming a homosexual or a fear of homosexuals; but it is not used that way in our society.  But since it is defined by usage, let's talk about what who is truly afraid of the LGBT community . . .

When I speak something, if I'm aiming at someone specifically, I say it to them, personally, and they certainly are entitled to respond, walk away, or aim something specifically at me.  It's called the human experience.  If I make a general statement about something I believe, I am entitled to do that, here in this country, and let the chips fall where they may.  For example, just because I think Fred Phelps is a hateful horse's rear-end, doesn't mean I defend Biblical disobedience.  Why does our nation think everything has to be politically polarized?   To put everyone who disagrees with the latest political correctness in the same category is the very definition of prejudice.  I believe in Biblical obedience, that doesn't make me in agreement with Fred Phelps.

The fact that Phil Robertson's comments got the "homophobic" adjective attached, I find, actually humorous.  I haven't seen his show, but from the interviews and comments, the man doesn't seem to have a fear of what anyone thinks of him, and he doesn't strike me as the fearful type.  A&E, on the other hand, seems to be very fearful of any political incorrectness and what really gets me, is A&E seems concerned about the opinions of those who are not viewers.

If A&E is fearful of the opinion of GLAAD, then by definition, it is A&E that is homophobic.  It is A&E that has prejudicially stereotyped.  Phil Robertson simply stated what he believed for his own life.  By the way, Mr. Robertson also mentioned heterosexual promiscuity.  Where's the outrage?  I'm guessing there are several co-habitating couples who have had multiple partners, who will still tune in for Duck Dynasty.  Any sort of prejudice based upon stereotype is an irrational fear, thus "phobic."  A network that gives up millions of dollars and the highest ratings to appease non-viewers does not sound like a rational decision.  A&E has lumped the entire gay community together as one stereotyped group, that is crying, yet again.

The reality is, there is an entire group of people in this country who do not believe what Fred Phelps does, but do believe the Bible.  If A&E is hoping to cash in on that group with a manufactured controversy, that's between the executives and their Maker.  As for the Robertsons, I'm guessing they spent this time of controversy still filling orders, duck hunting and enjoying the lifestyle Mr. Robertson established long before A&E knew there was money to be made and ratings to be enjoyed in the reality of a Louisiana entrepreneur.

Perhaps people could render "society's" opinion irrelevant, if we were living the life we knew met our Creator's approval.  And as for me, I need be more trusting of my Creator in regard to small closed in spaces . . .

What shall we then say to these things? If G-d be for us, who can be against us?  Romans

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Our Veterans

I am not a veteran.  I do not have any close relatives who are.  I have been married to Viet Nam veterans, but those are days of long ago.  My children's father is a Veteran.  His Honorable Discharge / DD214 was a very valuable piece of paper.

Since I have not served, I have no personal experience with the system of Veteran's Affairs.  I have seen individuals who I thought took total advantage of tax payers and the service after serving a relatively short time and I've also seen individuals for whom I thought our nation should do more.

I've read articles about soldiers who are severely wounded, only to be determined to return to battle or be a productive member of society.  Back in my Funeral Director days, I went to great lengths to ensure every Veteran had a final resting place with their service record made known.  Some of our older veterans simply passed away with little or even no family.   In the early days of the Iraq War, I remember when wounded, recovering soldiers were being charged by a VA hospital for their lunches, I sent a letter offering to pay for them, well as many as I could afford.  I've written a few letters in defense of the way our Veterans should be treated.

When I saw this video, all I could think to do, was to use the means we have here at Goshen Gazette to let others know some Veterans are struggling long after their service time.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Gov Giveth and . . .

The gov. taketh away . . .

Through the recent shutdown, some people experienced a glitch in the EBT cards, then the usual "threats" that if it continued, citizens dependent upon a check or provision from the government may not receive their check or provision the next month.  Now, of course that never applies to the politician's checks . . .

So the fear of losing food stamps became a concern.  It was reported that the amount would be cut in November, then it was reported that that report was false information.  As it turns out, both reports contain some truth, but it doesn't have anything to do with the recent shutdown.

Families will be receiving fewer benefits next month, not a significant drop, but for those who are completely dependent upon SNAP for their groceries, it will make a difference.  The reason for the reduction is based upon the end of the increase that was established through the recession.  Through the same time unemployment benefits were extended, SNAP benefits were increased.

Both have now expired.  Basing the "recovery" on the stock market rather than the job market has no logical link for the average citizen, but this is what has occurred.  We, here at the Goshen Gazette will do everything we can to offer suggestions for stretching the food budget.  We'd also encourage and invite our readers to share their tips and ideas, as well.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Burial Benefits Curtailed Through Shutdown

This is just one more reason I do not believe in young men fighting rich old men's wars, but I digress.  Hopefully now with a larger credit limit, our government will at least see fit to honor their promise to these grieving families.

Shannon Collins, mother of fallen soldier

Closer to home:

We need to keep these families in our prayers, as well as the awareness that this could happen again in less than three months.

Besides unity in government, which has obviously not happened; we were promised our troops would be home in a year.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Dilemma for Homeowners

This is a personal observation, but if I were a betting woman, I'd place a sizeable wager on the notion that there is not a politician in this country who is negatively affected by their own ineffectiveness.

Considering the number of politicians who are living on federal land, why not force them out til the shutdown ends.  That might just provide the incentive needed.

Electing people who do not have to take responsibility for their own ineffectiveness is no way to run a country!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Recent Earthquake

                               The following information was posted by Bruce Timpany                                        

{{{There will be great earthquakes, }}}}}}famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven (NIV Luke 21:9-11).
For nation [ethnos] shall rise against nation, and kingdom [basileia] against kingdom: and there shall be famines [limos], and pestilences [loimos], and earthquakes [seismos], in divers places. All these are the beginning of birth pains (Matthew 24:7-8).
Below are the Greek words that form Christ's list of things.
ethnos: G1484 - nation - ethnic group, as in tribal or civil war
basileia:G932 - kingdom - with a king or ruler, a nation
limos: G3042 - famines
loimos: G3061 - pestilences
seismos: G4578 - a shaking to and fro of air, land or sea.
Air: gales, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons or cyclones.
Land: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.
Sea: tsunamis, tidal waves

Monday, July 22, 2013


The television schedule is referred to as, "programming" with good reason.  It is proper labeling.  I am constantly amazed at the number of people who watch "reality television shows."  If it's really reality, shouldn't they be living it?  I've been rather taken aback by all the religious plays and reenactments, as well.  There are basically only two major events that were not to be repeated, and the rest was to be lived, or avoided by the examples included.  The world wide flood, and the crucifixion were unique events, and yet the crucifixion is probably the most re-enacted event in Scripture.

There's no reason for reenactments, we needn't crucify Messiah a new!  The good news doesn't require re-enactments, it requires the power of our Creator in our life.  We need the truth, not more words, not more debate, and certainly not more differences amongst the people claiming to believe the Bible.

Our society has settled for reenactment religion and reality TV.  It's time to give up our religion and reenactment for a real relationship with our Creator, then live in that reality!  We wouldn't need reality TV if we were living the reality of book of Acts!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

It Ain't Mayberry

When I saw this DUI checkpoint video that went viral, I was shocked to discover it occurred in Tennessee.  I guess considering my age, I just want to maintain a friendlier image of law enforcement, although I know that is not reality.  Reality is, Andy Taylor of Mayberry wasn't reality, either!  This article is not to say, all law enforcement is frightening, but the reality is, just like with any human beings, you simply don't know who to trust.  The difference is; not so terribly long ago, a badge indicated we could trust them for safety.

I've included two links regarding the next situation.  I guess, considering her age and a Sunday School teacher in a church or school parking lot, it really affected me, personally.  The fact that there was a witness, truly made me glad, that although it didn't bring her back, the cop's story didn't stand.  There was truly no reason for what transpired.  Shooting someone in the back is questionable enough, but more than once when there is no threat of bodily harm, I would call murder.

Woman arrested for drunk driving, ended up hand cuffed, then with serious injuries, and although the officer was fired, he wasn't criminally charged because the recording was turned off through the incident, in his words, according to his attorney, the officer turned off the tape according to normal practice and the woman fell and injured herself . . .

The there's the truck driver who was clearly had difficulty with the language, was injured so badly for not signing the ticket he was trying to read at the time, he's now unable to work.

This poor guy was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Perhaps this next link addressing the reason one man wasn't hired, and the hiring practice explains some of the problem.

  In only two cases of internal investigation, it was determined that officers had acted inappropriately for the circumstances.  The one who killed the woman got three years, and the one that turned off the camera was fired, but he's appealing.  No criminal charges were filed him against him, however.

Let me be clear.  I am not saying all officers behave this way, but all citizens are not dangerous criminals, either, and therefore should not be treated as such.  If based upon isolated incidents, an officer feels he must presume everyone could be a threat to him, then perhaps law enforcement shouldn't be a career choice.  Many citizens are becoming increasingly alarmed about the perception of law enforcement that is gaining momentum.

I think the most disturbing fact about so many of these internal affairs investigations, have found the officer was not acting inappropriately or using excessive force.  The fact that policy is in place that people can be treated with such violence by "peace officers" tells me, in our society, peace has been redefined.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back Alley Barbarism on Main Street

I saw this coming with the Gosnell trial.  This will not be a time of clamping down on abortion practices at all, but rather the gateway into more availability.  We are quickly bringing the back alley into mainstream, or mainstream is openly displaying what used to be hidden in shame in the back alleys.

I just got on my soap box about taking child birth out of the hands of doctors and back into the hands of midwives and now I read that midwives who are also nurses can perform abortions.  What's with that?  The simple statement of fact is, the sanctity of life is not upheld in our society.

I was not of voting age when abortion became legal in this country.  I avoid this subject, usually for two reasons.  I don't believe in doctors, and since they are abortion providers, I haven't really seen it as the "religious" issue so many do.  The second reason I haven't weighed in on the subject very much, is I absolutely do not have something better to offer.  I don't believe in arguing against something without offering a positive alternative.

YHWH never separated life and choice, politics did.  I don't know what to suggest for all the unwanted children that would have come into this world.  I've even heard the argument, the aborted population would have saved social security.  Well, what a selfish world they were not brought into . . . Adoption became so difficult, for who knows what reason, other than to actually encourage abortion, and I've heard and read of several cases in which adopted children grew up in horrible situations.  Granted there are happy stories too, but who can make that call, at the time?

All I know for sure is, I believe when life ends, the spirit goes back to our Creator, so although I have no idea if their life would be valued on earth, I do know, these pre-born children are loved by our Maker. 

The situation, I see unfolding is the real disregard of life in this country while the citizens continue to shout divisively about the issue.  Politicians are not going to do anything about abortion, except use it for campaign purposes.  Meanwhile, legislation is pending to make many, many more abortion providers and I simply do not understand how people who claim to be of faith, continue to support the medical industry.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:  Torah of Holy Scripture

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Same Advice for a Very Different Society

As I viewed the video clip of the "celebration" outside the Supreme Court this morning, my first thought was that it looked like a Jr. High Dance.  The guys all on one side and the girls on the other . . . and as I listened to the comments, especially from the two women who are raising four sons, speak several times about all of this being for the children, it only confirmed what I already know.  This is about the children!  American children have been losing the innocence of childhood for years, but today it became official.

As I sit here writing and listening to the next step in the direction, YHWH is leading me, I am becoming very meditative and contemplative.  I want this to just be novel or a dream.  I don't hate the LGBT community, but today everything became reversed.  Now, if I don't embrace their lifestyle, I'm a hater, but I'm not.  I don't necessarily embrace the rules of marriage set forth by some religious groups either, but speaking against them has never been a problem in America.

I can openly say, I think the religious groups who believe divorce and remarriage are wrong, and I am not socially obligated to find a politically correct way to say it.  I can just say, I don't agree.  I can also, openly say, I don't believe in polygamy, but I'm not sure if I really disagree with it.  I've been a second wife after divorce, and to be honest, it usually feels that the first wife still has priority except I have to cook his meals and do laundry and she just gets a nice check in the mail, so I'm not sure we're so far from polygamy anyway.  I can openly say I'm against adultery, and our "evolving views" President, clearly hasn't evolved on that one according to the Patraeus situation.  I can openly say that Congressman shouldn't send pictures of themselves in their underwear to women, and the government seems to agree.   So, if my religious beliefs do not applaud homosexuality, I'm labeled a homophobe; yet my religious beliefs do not applaud adultery and fornication, but no one is calling me a heterophobe.

Once upon a time in a not so distant land, it was okay for little boys and little girls to think each other had "cooties," without having a gender identity beyond being normal boys and girls.  And the feisty little boy that did sneak a kiss or pull a braid, wasn't labeled an offender, he was simply being a little boy.  Every Jr. High dance began with the boys on one side of the gym and the girls giggling on the other side, but it wasn't where we all stayed.  I don't know if anyone had a secret gender issue.  I do believe in my heart, if I were in school today, many of us not so stereotypical kids would have been set apart, regarding gender issues, and invited to become a part of "the community."  This legal move will actually marginalize kids who are late bloomers, those who do not gender identify according to stereotype, and those who are simply less confident.    

By High School, I hung out mostly with boys and I knew I was a girl and felt like one, but we were all just friends.  Those were the days before children's cereal was advertised to influence.  If children's programming did contain sexual content, we didn't know it.  Those were also before the days children were kept institutionally for several hours be programmed for herd mentality, through the autonomous phase of childhood.  The reality is, there is a fairly large section of our society that truly does not define ourselves within the limits of their sexual interests and gender leanings, but somehow those members of society have now been set aside, to be disregarded and be the only group with no tax break.

I'm including a link to an article I found interesting, as well as the video I viewed this morning.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What's Going On? No Really . . .

Considering the fact that there are still some segregated proms, which to me is absolutely unacceptable, and inner city high school graduations are on the decline, I couldn't help but notice the circumstances that are the focus of this article.  Perhaps this caught my attention for personal reasons, as I am Native American.   Perhaps it is just life in these United States these days.  Perhaps, it is simply newsworthy, from this perspective.  I've included both links in the article.

I read about a young lady who will need to pay a fine of $1000.00 to receive her diploma, transcript, etc. after wearing a tribal feather for her graduation.  I read the article and the school policy was such that any extra beyond the cap and gown was prohibited, so I guess all knew the cost going in.  I'm going to offer my 2 cents worth here.  I'd considered sending a donation, but I refuse to give one cent to that school!

I applaud her for what she did and I suggest she go take a GED for the basic cost of something like $25.00 and get a scholarship offered for her Native heritage or better yet, go to an Indian College.  Her story made the news, I'm sure some college recruiter is looking for someone who can actually think for herself and rather than the politically correct protocol of "tolerance," be willing to step out in true diversity.

The term, diversity, brings me to the next article that caught my attention, regarding our young adults.  It seems a Massachusetts High School had a transgendered prom queen.  I have more than one issue with this situation, on it's own merit.  First and foremost a school has truly accommodated this student, even allowing him to use the girl's restroom, which I think is unfair to the girls.  Sometimes anatomical facts just have to prevail over feelings.  I realize when I was in San Francisco, which is the first time I ever saw a restroom that had both a male and female symbol.  I didnt' realize it meant transgendered, I thought it was either or . . . I soon realized my mistake, but we were all adults and it seemed, no harm done.

So, this individual gets special treatment at the expense and modesty of others, just day in and day out.  Then to consider the number of girls who would very much like to be prom queen, but lose to a boy?  A lot of girls really do long for that sort of moment!  It's as if they were robbed just so some principal could be politically correct and have his 15 minutes of fame, and a boy and his mother could feel special.

So, all things considered, this is our new America, so far . . .
A prom queen can have a penis under their gown, but a graduate cannot have a feather in their cap!

Native American Graduate                                              LBGT Prom Queen