Sunday, July 7, 2013

Back Alley Barbarism on Main Street

I saw this coming with the Gosnell trial.  This will not be a time of clamping down on abortion practices at all, but rather the gateway into more availability.  We are quickly bringing the back alley into mainstream, or mainstream is openly displaying what used to be hidden in shame in the back alleys.

I just got on my soap box about taking child birth out of the hands of doctors and back into the hands of midwives and now I read that midwives who are also nurses can perform abortions.  What's with that?  The simple statement of fact is, the sanctity of life is not upheld in our society.

I was not of voting age when abortion became legal in this country.  I avoid this subject, usually for two reasons.  I don't believe in doctors, and since they are abortion providers, I haven't really seen it as the "religious" issue so many do.  The second reason I haven't weighed in on the subject very much, is I absolutely do not have something better to offer.  I don't believe in arguing against something without offering a positive alternative.

YHWH never separated life and choice, politics did.  I don't know what to suggest for all the unwanted children that would have come into this world.  I've even heard the argument, the aborted population would have saved social security.  Well, what a selfish world they were not brought into . . . Adoption became so difficult, for who knows what reason, other than to actually encourage abortion, and I've heard and read of several cases in which adopted children grew up in horrible situations.  Granted there are happy stories too, but who can make that call, at the time?

All I know for sure is, I believe when life ends, the spirit goes back to our Creator, so although I have no idea if their life would be valued on earth, I do know, these pre-born children are loved by our Maker. 

The situation, I see unfolding is the real disregard of life in this country while the citizens continue to shout divisively about the issue.  Politicians are not going to do anything about abortion, except use it for campaign purposes.  Meanwhile, legislation is pending to make many, many more abortion providers and I simply do not understand how people who claim to be of faith, continue to support the medical industry.

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:  Torah of Holy Scripture

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