Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sheep Bites?

As a rule sheep do not bite, except when it comes to the two legged variety that claim "the LORD is my shepherd."  A man in my home state has had some serious legal accusations thrown at him.  This is America, so regardless of how the situation is resolved, he is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.  I read over the accusation and I listened to his explanation, and I contacted him privately.  To be honest, I now feel I have more questions than answers.

I have a daughter in insurance, one was formerly in banking and a niece in securities.  Several years ago, when I was in the funeral industry, I had to be licensed in life insurance to be able to offer pre-need funeral arrangements.  In obtaining that, I realized twenty-five years ago, the insurance business is highly questionable and highly regulated, and much continuing knowledge is required.  There is absolutely no room for naivete.  When I left the funeral industry for ministry, I did not keep my license active, so it's been twenty years.  Undoubtedly much has changed regarding the regulation of insurance.  I have no formal training in banking or securities, so there is no way, I could offer an opinion, much less render a judgment.

There are a few things of which I'm aware and those I will share.  When the story broke, the man said he'd be sharing this information the following Shabbat at the regular gathering.  In prayer, I was led to contact him regarding the discussion of business on Shabbat.  It was very simple and to the point.  Shabbat is not the day to focus on business.  It seemed to me, those who were supportive, would wait until after Shabbat for an explanation.  He got back to me, thanking me for prayer and he let me know that his prayer team had taken the matter under advisement.  When I received a link, it was indeed; the Shabbat topic.  Since I don't know a lot about his business dealings, it is safe to say; we clearly differ on Shabbat priorities.  I know what I heard, and I obeyed in relaying the message about Shabbat.

Although I'm not directly involved . . .What began as a story of possible persecution, has become a warning on a bigger scale.  If this man has been falsely accused, we must face the reality that persecution has been turned up a notch.  On the other hand, if laws were broken, then that will be made known.  If, in his words, he simply didn't know there was a problem with what he did, then; that may be a big signal that time is truly of the essence for believers to be getting out of the system.

King Solomon, in his wisdom, heard both sides of the story, before rendering his judgement.  After reading and hearing both sides of this, I'm very thankful, I'm not the judge.

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