Sunday, August 24, 2014

Born That Way?

Scripture does tell us we are all born into sin . . . and there are a number of laws/instruction regarding sexual behavior, so logically speaking, most of us are probably "predisposed" to some sort of sinful sexual interest.  Basically the two hot button political topics, same sex marriage and abortion; stem from Biblically forbidden sexual activity.  That seems to be why so much of our society defends these two issues, now . . . the Bible is open to interpretation . . . or disrespectful disregard.  This has really been happening since the Nicene Council offered Constantine's version of Christianity to the general population.  Interpreting Paul's writings to override Torah was the foundation of what we now see.

The big argument for a time was that folks were born gay, and now that's been legalized and accepted, many of the proponents now claim that anyone can choose to be gay . . . To be honest, my mind doesn't wrap around that particular train of thought.  Since I was born with a sinful nature, I had my own sexual sins, that "born that way" simply didn't excuse.  My sexual sin was not same-sex desire, so I had no excuse or agenda, much less a parade.  It's truly time for some straight talk on the matter, pardon the pun.  Except in the case of a victim of rape or incest, sexual behavior is a choice.  Rape and incest are acts of violence and abuse.  Consensual sex, of any kind, is a choice.

Let's address this "born gay" from a different perspective.  What if the circumstances of the birth caused a problem that led to a feeling of abnormality?  What if the soy formula that was so readily used, did affect the hormonal development of infants?  Research shows, soy does have an effect on hormone levels.  Several situations come to mind, of little boys that ended up being rather effeminate or even stating they are gay, in which there were complications in their birth or allergies to everything but soy.  We know some males are naturally less masculine than others, and some females are naturally less feminine than others.  The theory that a physiological issue or spiritual issue could have been caused by a delivery complication or fed by a bad formula would give that child, as they grew, the notion that they had indeed been born that way.  I knew a nurse who worked in labor and delivery with serious sexual issues and absolutely reeked of a spirit of witchcraft.  How many children were placed in her arms before their mother's?  I wouldn't want my helpless innocent child in her arms.

Based on the idea that it was actually in their chemical make-up, there is the added emotional factor of feeling different.  Truth be told, I think a great many of us realize we're not "normal" pretty early on, and many of us do "use" sex as a means of acceptance or attention, later.  The fact is, the gay agenda is now being promoted and taught in school, while the Bible is banned.  This will only serve to further confuse many young people who may, indeed, have been born a little masculine or feminine, subjected to complications in newborn care, or unnatural hormone issues due to soy formula.

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